Duct Tape Marketing (Podcast)
Insightful interviews with authors, experts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who share valuable marketing tips, growth strategies, and resources. Hosted by John Jantsch, one of America's top small business marketing experts, this show is dedicated to helping you craft effective marketing strategies that will grow your business. Whether you're a small business owner, marketing professional, or marketing agency owner, you'll gain valuable insights and actionable advice on topics such as marketing strategy, consulting, social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, email marketing, lead generation, business management, entrepreneurship and much more. With over 900 episodes since its inception in 2005, The Duct Tape Marketing podcast is your go-to resource for all things marketing or business growth. Join us each week as we dive into the latest marketing trends and strategies that will help you achieve your business goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best in the business. Tune in to The Duct Tape Marketing podcast and start listening today!

Today's guest on the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Greg Meade, co-founder of the business and new sport called Crossnet. Meade, his brother, and their childhood friend decided that rather than follow a traditional career path, they wanted to branch out and build something new. They put their heads together and created Crossnet, a brand new sport that's a cross between four square and volleyball. Meade walks us through the process of building a new business and growing a following for a new game on this episode.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Gregory_Meade.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Today's guest is speaker, author, podcaster, and leadership expert Ryan Hawk. With a background in both professional sports and sales, Hawk realized that to learn more about becoming a great leader, he wanted to go straight to the source and talk to those people whose leadership skills he most admired. That's what set him on the path to creating The Learning Leader Show and writing his book, Welcome to Management, both of which he discusses on this episode.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Ryan_Hawk.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Guy Kawasaki, author, speaker, podcaster, and Chief Evangelist for Canva, stops by the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. He and host John Jantsch cover a lot of ground in their chat, from how Canva managed to outpace the competition and become a leader in online graphic design tools to why Guy started his own podcast, what he thinks about the podcasting landscape, and how he believes the channel can be harnessed to become a powerful marketing tool.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Guy_Kawasaki.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist of BombBomb and co-author of the book Rehumanize Your Business, stops by the podcast to chat about the power of video marketing. BombBomb believes that we are all better in person, and they enable you to build a deeper connection with your prospects and customers by putting a face to your name over digital communications with the use of personalized video. Beute talks about why he's passionate about personalized video, shares use cases for the technology, and talks about how he sees personalized video changing the landscape of sales and marketing.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Ethan_Beute.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Dr. Melanie Katzman is a clinical psychologist and business consultant, and over the years she's noticed a lot of overlap between the hurdles her clients face in both areas of focus. People feel devalued and dispirited in their work, and a lot of that comes from issues in communication. She's brought all her advice together in a new book, Connect First, to help people everywhere find meaning and a sense of accomplishment in the work that they do. On this episode, she shares some of the 52 action steps from her book.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Melanie_Katzman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Today's guest on the podcast is Mike Stelzner, founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner and the producer of the Social Media Marketing World conference. Stelzner has been immersed in the world of social media for years, so he has his finger on the pulse of the biggest trends that small business owners need to be paying attention to. If your business is on social media, you don't want to miss these insights!

Direct download: John_Interviews_Mike_Stelzner.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Joel Goldberg, public speaker on leadership and culture and longtime Kansas City Royals broadcaster, stops by the podcast to discuss the intersection of sports and business. Sure, you've heard people draw parallels between sports and business before, but when, like Goldberg, you've had a front-row seat to the world of professional sports for over 25 years, you gain some deep insights that others might miss.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Joel_Goldberg.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Kate Bradley Chernis is the co-founder and CEO of Lately, an AI-powered social media writing tool. In today's marketing landscape, you can't stand out without creating a lot of content. But the trick is that it can't be junky content; it still needs to provide value for your followers. That's where a tool like Lately comes in. By using AI to analyze your existing long-form content, Lately is able to craft tons of high-quality short-form social media posts. Bradley Chernis shares more about how the tool works, why it's effective, and how you can start creating more meaningful content for your business.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Kate_Bradley_Chernis.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Livesay is a sales keynote speaker and author - he's also known as the Pitch Whisperer. He's here on the show to talk about his book Better Selling Through Storytelling, where he shares tips for applying the four essential elements of great storytelling to the art of selling. Today's businesses can't simply rely on a list of past accomplishments to sell to prospects; instead, they need to craft a compelling story to win business. Livesay demonstrates how to do just that.

Direct download: John_Interviews_John_Livesay.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Rohit Bhargava is an innovation and marketing expert and the founder of the Non-Obvious Company. The company has spawned a series of books under the Non-Obvious banner, including his latest Non-Obvious Megatrends. Bhargava discusses his process for identifying the biggest trends shaping business, shares what disruptive trends business owners need to be on the lookout for, and provides insight into how anyone can learn to spot megatrends in their industry.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Rohit_Bhargava.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

How do you create content that stands out online and inspires folks to share your message with their friends? On this episode, John sits down with Tim Staples, CEO of Shareability and author of "Break Through the Noise." Staples' firm is behind the creation of numerous viral campaigns and videos, so he knows what it takes to capture attention online. In this episode he discusses how small business owners can create highly shareable content.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Tim_Staples.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John sits down with Drew McLellan, who owns and runs Agency Management Institute (AMI). Most agency owners feel like they're on an island, doing the hard work of running a business without someone to guide them. AMI serves as a resource for these entrepreneurs, and in this episode, McLellan shares tons of advice for owners - from his insights on the latest marketing trends to how to manage hiring within your agency.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Drew_McLellan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

When it comes to marketing your business, it's not really about the tactics, like social media or email marketing. At the end of the day, it's building a fandom that helps you win the day. Marketing expert and author David Meerman Scott stops by to discuss his latest book, "Fanocracy," and shares how any business can build a fanocracy that will keep customers coming back again and again.

Direct download: John_Interviews_David_Meerman_Scott_2020.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch closes out the year by sharing his insights on where to focus your attention with your 2020 marketing strategy. What approaches will actually move the needle and win you new customers (or help you keep old ones) in the new year? John's got answers for you.

Direct download: John_2020_Marketing_Insights.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Lukas Haensch, former Google UX manager and founder of Pathmonk, stops by the podcast to discuss the importance of page speed. A slow-loading website might not be at the top of your list of issues to address, but it should be. Haensch discusses the potential damage a slow site can cause, and he shares how to quickly evaluate your website and eliminate any issues with load time.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Lukas_Haensch.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Early Twitter employee and digital media expert Claire Diaz-Ortiz stops by the podcast to discuss her latest book, Social Media Success for Every Brand. Diaz-Ortiz dives into the StoryBrand pillars and the complementary SHARE model to help business owners craft social media plans that actually boost engagement (and, ultimately, sales). 

Direct download: John_Interviews_Claire_Diaz-Ortiz.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:07am MDT

Mike Yan, CEO of chat marketing platform ManyChat, sits down with John to discuss all things chat. Yan sees chat becoming an even more integral part of every business's marketing efforts in  the next handful of years, so he has helpful tips to help anyone get started with a chat marketing program.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Mike_Yan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:09am MDT

Deanna Singh is a speaker, author, and the founder and Chief Change Agent at Flying Elephant. Singh defines her purpose in life as shifting power to marginalized communities, and she's dedicated to doing that through all of her work, including her latest book, Purposeful Hustle. In this episode, she shares why it's important to discover your purpose, how you can find yours, and what to do once you've uncovered it.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Deanna_Singh.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Alisa Meredith, visual marketing expert, content marketing manager at Tailwind, and self-proclaimed "Pinterest nerd," stops by the podcast to talk about social media in general and Pinterest in particular. Pinterest is often overlooked by content marketers, but Meredith contends that, if you know how to use it, Pinterest can become an integral part in helping you meet business objectives.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Alisa_Meredith.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Tom Cronin, the co-creator of The Portal movie and the leader of a global movement to get one billion people to meditate daily, stopped by the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. Cronin began meditating more than two decades ago, when the stresses of a job in the fast-paced world of finance started causing problems in his life. Now, he's a passionate advocate for the powerful good that can come from meditation, and he shares with us why it can not only transform your life, but humanity at large.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Tom_Cronin_19.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John sits down with Yaniv Masjedi, chief marketing officer at Nextiva. Masjedi has been with the company since its founding, and has played a part in its expansion from a cloud phone service to a unified and integrated platform for communications. He talks about the journey the company's taken over the years, and what the team has done to stay true to the essence of their core business as they grow their teams and provide new products and services.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Yaniv_Masjedi.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Ron Tite, founder and CEO of the advertising agency Church + State and author of Think Do Say, sits down with John Jantsch to discuss the secrets to standing out in a crowded marketing world. Hint: it's not about leaning into the latest gimmick, it's about being authentic in what you think, do, and say.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Ron_Tite.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Dr. Sabrina Starling, author of How to Hire the Best and the founder of Tap the Potential, stops by the podcast to share the secrets to effective hiring for small businesses. When you can attract top-level talent, you're able to build a happy team that enjoys work/life balance while still growing a great company.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Sabrina_Starling.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John chats with Chad Peterson, business broker and founder of Peterson Acquisitions. Peterson walks small business owners through everything they need to consider when thinking about selling their business - from reviewing financials and assessing value through to closing the deal.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Chad_Peterson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John sits down with Amanda Brinkman, Chief Brand and Communications Officer at Deluxe, and the co-host and producer of Small Business Revolution. Brinkman discusses the importance of investing in local businesses, and shares tips for small business owners who may be struggling with their marketing or finances.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Amanda_Brinkman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Speaker, author, and diversity and inclusion expert Jennifer Brown stops by the podcast to discuss her latest book, How to Be an Inclusive Leader. She shares why inclusiveness has become a focus for many businesses, and provides leaders with a step-by-step guide to creating a workplace that embraces differences and empowers all of your employees to feel safe and do their best work.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jennifer_Brown.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John's guest on the podcast today is business coach, speaker, and author Bill Cates. Cates stops by to discuss his latest book, Radical Relevance, and he shares what organizations can do to personalize their messaging and reach more of their ideal clients.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Bill_Cates.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch sits down with Josh Slone, product marketer for Gist. Gist is an all-in-one marketing software platform that helps you manage everything from marketing automation to live chat to event tracking - everything you need to run a modern marketing operation. Slone shares why things like automation are important for today's small businesses and provides advice to those who are just beginning to integrate these tools into their existing marketing efforts.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Josh_Slone.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Nir Eyal, expert on the intersection of technology, psychology, and business, sits down to discuss his latest book, Indistractable. We often blame technology - with its dings, pings, and rings - for our distracted modern lives, but is that really the root cause? Eyal asks us to look at the true cause of distraction, and shows how finding that can help us create more focused and meaningful lives.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Nir_Eyal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Kim Spalding, product leader and general manager of Ads for Small Business and Emerging Markets at Google, stops by the podcast to share her many insights into the Google Ads universe. As a former entrepreneur herself, Spalding knows how difficult it can be to find the time to master the many pieces of small business marketing. That's why she and the team at Google aim to make it as simple as possible to get your business's name out there. Here, she shares some of the best tips for getting the most out of the Google Ads platform.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Kim_Spalding.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Marketer, author, and cartoonist Stu Heinecke stops by to discuss his latest book, Get the Meeting! An Illustrative Contact Marketing Playbook. Heinecke has written the book (well, two books, actually!) on contact marketing, and in this episode he details what it is, why it works, and how you can start your own contact marketing campaign.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Stu_Heinecke.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Jill Soley, author and product and marketing executive, stops by to discuss her book, Beyond Product. Soley has launched and grown software products for nearly 20 years, and she's sharing all of the lessons she's learned throughout her career in this book. On this episode, she and John discuss what product-focused entrepreneurs need to know about marketing to ensure that their companies succeed.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jill_Soley.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch shares an excerpt from his newly-released book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur. Organized as 366 daily meditations, the book is designed to help entrepreneurs build a better self in order to build a better business. Today's reading is from the October 24 entry.

Direct download: John_Reads_from_The_Self-Reliant_Entrepreneur_October_24.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch interviews author, speaker, and marketing expert Scott McKain. McKain shares lessons from his book Iconic: How Organizations and Leaders Attain, Sustain, and Regain The Ultimate Level of Distinction. Whether yours is a small, local business or a nationally-known brand, there are steps any business can take to build a brand with loyal customers who become fans, refer you to others, and return again and again.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Scott_McKain.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch sits down with real estate expert, author, and speaker Michael J. Maher. Maher discusses his book, The Seven Levels of Communication: Go From Relationships to Referrals, where he shares how any business can thrive by focusing their efforts on referrals rather than the traditional sales cycle.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Michael_J._Maher.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch reads a selection from his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, due out on October 22, 2019. This selection features a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson and reflections on how to create your business's history as part of your entrepreneurial journey.

Direct download: John_Reads_from_The_Self-Reliant_Entrepreneur_October_17.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John interviews Chris Martinez, co-founder and CEO of DUDEagency.io, an outsourced web development firm. Martinez knows all the ins and outs of website design, from site layout and development to how to integrate tactical and strategic elements like landing pages, funnels, and SEO. Martinez shares his expertise and gives advice that's useful to all business owners, no matter what field or industry you're in.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Chris_Martinez.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:57am MDT

John speaks with author, speaker, and business coach Steve Farber. Farber is the founder and CEO of the Extreme Leadership Institute and the author of several books, including Love is Just Damn Good Business: Do What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do. In this episode, Farber talks about why making love a discipline and practice in your business matters and shares how to do it.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Steve_Farber.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:28am MDT

John Jantsch reads an excerpt from his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, structured as a daily devotional with 366 meditations to help entrepreneurs reach their full potential.

Direct download: John_Reads_from_TSRE_-_October_10.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John interviews business coach and bestselling author David Finkel. Finkel discusses his latest book, The Freedom Formula, in which he advocates for a move away from the time and effort economy and towards the value economy.

Direct download: John_Interviews_David_Finkel.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John sits down with Ryan Holiday, writer, media strategist, and leading expert on the ancient philosophy of Stoicism. Holiday talks about his latest book, Stillness is the Key, and shares how applying lessons from this ancient philosophy can help improve our modern lives.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Ryan_Holiday_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch shares another excerpt from his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur. Today's reading is from the October 2 entry, featuring a letter from Herman Melville to Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Direct download: TSRE_-_October_2_2.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John chats with Jeremy Miller, founder of Sticky Branding and author of Brand New Name. He is a brand strategist, and here he shares why selecting the right brand name matters, plus the step-by-step process for finding the name that fits best with your business, product, or service.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Sticky_Branding.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Dan Gershenson and Ian Cantle are marketing experts and part of the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network. On this episode, they discuss the book that they've co-authored with three other marketing consultants, Content Marketing for Local Search. In the book, they share what business owners can do to create content that captures the attention of prospects and customers throughout their journey, while also ranking well on Google.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Ian_Cantle_and_Dan_Gershenson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch shares another excerpt from his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, due out in October 2019. Each page contains a reading from a Transcendentalist author and John's thoughts on the reading as it relates to leading a purposeful entrepreneurial life.

Direct download: TSRE_-_September_25.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

Photographer, director, entrepreneur, and author Chase Jarvis stops by the podcast to discuss his book, Creative Calling. He believes that everyone is inherently creative, and when we develop a practice to nurture those creative impulses, we can tap into a whole new side of ourselves.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Chase_Jarvis.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John reads an excerpt from his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, due out in October 2019. The book is organized into 366 daily meditations for entrepreneurs; today's reading is from the September 18 entry.

Direct download: TSRE_-_September_18.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John sits down with Jason Harris, CEO of creative agency Mekanism and author of The Soulful Art of Persuasion. They discuss the 11 habits Harris outlines in the book that can help anyone to become a master influencer.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jason_Harris.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Jantsch reads an excerpt from his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, due out in October 2019. Following the passage, he shares additional thoughts and comments on the reading.

Direct download: Sept11_1.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:30am MDT

John Warrillow, founder of The Value Builder System and author of Built to Sell shares what business owners must do to create a company that is appealing to investors and has the potential to thrive without them at the helm.

Direct download: John_Interviews_John_Warrillow.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30am MDT

Community and collaboration strategy consultant Jono Bacon discusses his upcoming book, People Powered. He talks about the role of communities in building your business, and shares advice for starting a community around your brand.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jono_Bacon.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:47am MDT

John Jantsch reads an excerpt from his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, due out in October 2019. He shares a passage from the book, then provides his commentary on the reading.

Direct download: TSRE_-_September_4_1.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:52am MDT

Keynote speaker, musician, and author Brant Menswar stops by to discuss how to choose your purpose. His strategy for identifying your core values helps individuals and organizations hone in on their non-negotiables and begin to engage with the world in a purpose-driven way.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Brant_Menswar.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:59am MDT

John Jantsch does a solo show on the importance of content in marketing. It's more than just a tactic, it's risen to the strategic level. And you need a solid content foundation before you can begin amassing content like blogs and podcasts. He walks you through how to create a core message and strong website that serve as the base of it all.

Direct download: John_Solo_Show_-_Content.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:31am MDT

John speaks with Matt Cooper, CEO of the online learning community Skillshare. They discuss how online learning has changed over the years and why it's so important for everyone--whether they're employees or entrepreneurs--to continue to grow and learn new skills.

Direct download: John_Inteviews_Matt_Cooper.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:36am MDT

Jeff Fromm, partner at Barkley ad agency and president of FutureCast, stops by to discuss his new book, The Purpose Advantage. He shares why purpose matters for companies, and how to truly become a purpose-driven brand.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jeff_Fromm.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30am MDT

Lindsay Pedersen, brand strategist, leadership coach, and author of Forging an Ironclad Brand: A Leader's Guide, shares the nine criteria that define a successful brand and some tips for creating one.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Lindsay_Pedersen.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:20am MDT

Tania Katan, author of Creative Trespassing, talks about the beauty of welcoming the messiness of creativity into your professional and personal life. She also shares exercises for tapping into your creativity. 

Direct download: John_Interviews_Tania_Katan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:08am MDT

Melissa Smith, founder and CEO of the Association of Virtual Assistants, discusses all of the value that a VA can provide for an entrepreneur or business owner. She also walks us through the process of searching for, screening, and hiring a VA.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Melissa_Smith.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:50am MDT

Scott Ayres of AgoraPulse's Social Media Lab stops by to talk about the work he does in challenging social media marketing conventions.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Scott_Ayres.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:17am MDT

Jeanne Bliss, who pioneered the role of Chief Customer Officer and authored Would You Do That to Your Mother?, shares why business leaders should make every customer service decision with compassion and care (and how to do it).

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jeanne_Bliss.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:48am MDT

Scott Young discusses his book, Ultralearning, and shares the principles that empower anyone to learn any skill via aggressive, self-directed learning.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Scott_Young.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:13am MDT

John Jantsch shares five SEO techniques that go beyond the basics. For consultants or marketing agencies who are looking to get results for their clients, these approaches can take their SEO to the next level.

Direct download: John_Solo_Agency-Focused_SEO.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:08am MDT

Jeb Blount, sales acceleration specialist and author of 10 books on sales and leadership, stops by to discuss how to move past objections and get to a yes in sales discussions.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jeb_Blount.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:19am MDT

John interviews Aaron Weiche, CEO of GatherUp, a review and customer feedback platform. Weiche shares everything small business owners need to know about reviews, customer experience, and managing their online reputation.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Aaron_Weiche.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:19am MDT

John Jantsch discusses the concept of finding a niche for your business. While some advocate for settling on a niche right away, John suggests a different approach.

Direct download: John_Solo_-_Niche_or_Not.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:04am MDT

Rand Fishkin, founder and former CEO of Moz and current CEO of SparkToro, stops by to share what he's learned along his entrepreneurial journey with others who may be starting their own businesses.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Rand_Fishkin_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am MDT

John Jantsch walks small business owners through the value of claiming their Google My Business profile. Plus, he shares the latest updates to the tool that users can and should take advantage of.

Direct download: John_Solo_GMB.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:35am MDT

John chats with Laura Vanderkam, author of several time-management and productivity books, including her latest, Juliet's School of Possibilities. Here, she shares learnings and takeaways from the book. 

Direct download: John_Interviews_Laura_Vanderkam_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:32am MDT

John sits down with Rachel Parker, CEO of Resonance Content Marketing and author of The Content Marketing Coach. They discuss best strategies and tactics involved in producing high-quality content.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Rachel_Parker_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:44am MDT

John speaks with Grant Baldwin: speaker, author, blogger, podcaster, and founder of The Speaker Lab. Grant shares his in-depth knowledge about all that it takes to get into speaking and how to turn it into a source of revenue (or even a full-time career).

Direct download: John_Interviews_Grant_Baldwin_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:14am MDT

Andrew Warner stops by the podcast to chat with John about his latest initiative, Bot Academy, and to share why he's so excited about what chat bot technology can do for your business.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Andrew_Warner_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:43am MDT

John sits down with Jeanna Pool, marketing expert and creator of the coaching program Clients in BULK. They discuss the offline marketing approaches that can help you win new business in droves.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jeanna_Pool.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:41am MDT

John shares his three step system for establishing a consistent flow of leads, developing a repeatable process for serving your clients, and engaging trusted partners - all to keep clients coming back year after year.

Direct download: John_Solo_Show_3_Steps.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:36am MDT

John speaks with Jim Kukral, marketing expert and the author of Your Journey to Becoming Unskippable. They discuss what it means to be unskippable, how it can help you win customers for life, and what you must do to become unskippable.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jim_Kukral.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:45am MDT

John sits down with Zvi Band, co-founder and CEO of the CRM platform Contactually and author of Success Is in Your Sphere. Band shares all he's learned about relationship building and networking.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Zvi_Band.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:37am MDT

John chats with Jason Vandeboom, founder and CEO of ActiveCampaign, about how CRM, relationship building, email marketing, and marketing automation have changed for the better.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jvandeboom.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:30am MDT

Rich Brooks, founder and creator of The Agents of Change digital marketing conference, stops by the podcast to talk about the elements that go into building a business event that establishes you as an industry leader.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Rich_Brooks.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:11am MDT

John sits down with Diana Kander, keynote speaker, innovation coach, and co-author of The Curiosity Muscle. They discuss the four questions any leader should ask to get curious about their business and improve their bottom line.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Diana_Kander.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:41am MDT

John interviews best-selling author Mark Manson about his latest book, Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope. They discuss how to cultivate happiness and optimism in today's world.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Mark_Manson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:34am MDT

John speaks with Brad Sugars, founder of ActionCOACH and co-author of Pulling Profits Out of a Hat. Sugars shares how a focus on five fundamental disciplines of business can empower any leader to grow their company exponentially.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Brad_Sugars.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:49am MDT

John chats with marketing expert and entrepreneur Neil Patel. They discuss Patel's book, Hustle. He talks about the process of discovering your true passion and the hard work that goes into finding and pursuing it.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Neil_Patel_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:21am MDT

John speaks with Laura Belgray, founder of Talking Shrimp and co-creator of The Copy Cure. A copywriting expert, Laura shares her secrets to writing killer copy.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Laura_Belgray_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:37am MDT

John speaks with business strategist and author Jenny Blake. She is the author of the book Pivot, and speaks about how to handle plateaus in life. She shares how you decide what your next move is and how to make the pivots to get yourself there.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jenny_Blake.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:46am MDT

John speaks with Brian Dean, SEO expert and founder of Backlinko. Dean shares the latest SEO tips, discusses the SEO approaches that work best for B2B and local businesses, and debunks some common SEO myths.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Brian_Dean2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:41am MDT

John sits down with Allison Shapira, founder and CEO of Global Public Speaking. They discuss her book, Speak With Impact, and she shares insights into how to give a powerful, compelling presentation.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Allison_Shapira.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:38am MDT

John chats with Sandy Rogers, co-author of Leading Loyalty, about the actionable steps businesses can take to create deeply loyal customers.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Sandy_Rogers.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:27am MDT

John sits down with Ian Altman, B2B strategic consultant and author of Same Side Selling. They discuss why a major shift in the standard sales mentality is needed to better serve prospects and customers, and how to make that change within your business.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Ian_Altman.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:03am MDT

John visits with Cal Newport, computer scientist and author of Digital Minimalism. They discuss our collective tech obsession, and what we can do to find a healthier balance between our phone usage and high-quality leisure activities.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Cal_Newport.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:48am MDT

John sits down with Dan Janal, author of Write Your Book in a Flash, to discuss the benefits to any business owner of writing a book and the process for doing it.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Dan_Janal.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:56am MDT

John speaks with Michael Port, founder and CEO of Heroic Public Speaking, about the keys to giving an effective speech that builds trust and generates leads for your business.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Michael_Port.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:51am MDT

John sits down with John Lee Dumas, host of the popular podcast EOFire, to talk about how he got his start in podcasting and how business owners can create their own show.

Direct download: John_Interviews_John_Lee_Dumas_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:20am MDT

John sits down with Roger Dooley to discuss his new book, Friction. They discuss the concepts of friction and organizational drag in business, and how to find and address issues of friction, even in an organization that's resistant to change.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Roger_Dooley.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:01am MDT

John speaks with Jules Pieri, founder and CEO of the Grommet, about how makers differ from other entrepreneurs and what they must do to create a business around their product idea.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Julies_Pieri.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:27am MDT

John visits with Tom Martin, author, speaker, and founder of the digital strategy agency Converse Media. Martin understands how difficult sales prospecting can be, and today he shares his secrets for making the process less intimidating.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Tom_Martin.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:26am MDT

John speaks with Donna Cutting, CSP, founder and CEO of Red Carpet Learning Systems about how to give your customers the star treatment.

Direct download: Donna_Cutting_J_Jantsch_Interview.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:53am MDT

John speaks with Kyle Gray, founder of The Story Engine, about what works (and what doesn't) when you're crafting a story about your brand.

Direct download: John_Kyle_Gray_Interview_2018.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:13am MDT

John chats with Sam Ashdown, a successful entrepreneur with three real estate businesses, about how she founded her companies and her commitment to teaching other local business owners important marketing strategy and skills.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Sam_Ashdown.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:35am MDT

John chats with David Burkus, author of Friend of a Friend, about how and why to engage with your existing, meaningful contacts when networking, rather than trying to cultivate a whole new network.

Direct download: John_Interviews_David_Burkus.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:46am MDT

John introduces his upcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur, and shares a reading from the project.

Direct download: John_Solo_-_TSRE.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:31am MDT