Duct Tape Marketing
Insightful interviews with authors, experts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who share valuable marketing tips, growth strategies, and resources. Hosted by John Jantsch, one of America's top small business marketing experts, this show is dedicated to helping you craft effective marketing strategies that will grow your business. Whether you're a small business owner, marketing professional, or marketing agency owner, you'll gain valuable insights and actionable advice on topics such as marketing strategy, consulting, social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, email marketing, lead generation, business management, entrepreneurship and much more. With over 900 episodes since its inception in 2005, The Duct Tape Marketing podcast is your go-to resource for all things marketing or business growth. Join us each week as we dive into the latest marketing trends and strategies that will help you achieve your business goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best in the business. Tune in to The Duct Tape Marketing podcast and start listening today!

John breaks down the technical topic of HTTPS. He shares why your site must migrate from HTTP and how to make that happen.

Direct download: John_Solo_HTTPS.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:53am MDT

John interviews Alan Stein, Jr., who uses the lessons he learned as a basketball performance coach to inform his current work as a business coach, speaker, and author. They discuss what business leaders can learn from the world of sports about managing their team and company.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Alan_Stein.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:27am MDT

John discusses the 10 most important elements and approaches to think about as you look to update and optimize your website this year.

Direct download: John_Solo_Podcast_10_Website_2019.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:25am MDT

John speaks with Melissa Agnes, a crisis management strategist and author of the book Crisis Ready. They talk about the importance of crisis preparedness, and how being ready for any eventuality can help you identify new opportunities for your business.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Melissa_Agnes.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:40am MDT

John sits down with James Fell, a health expert and author of The Holy Sh!t Moment, to discuss how to become more attuned to the feeling of awakening so that you can make space for a moment of epiphany in your own life.

Direct download: John_Interviews_James_Fell.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:27am MDT

John speaks with Abdo Riani, founder of Startup Circle, about his entrepreneurial journey and his experience in building a network to serve other entrepreneurs.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Abdo_Riani.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:05am MDT

John speaks with Neen James, author of "Attention Pays: How to Drive Productivity, Profitability, and Accountability," about how being intentional in how we give our attention can improve our professional and personal lives.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Neen_James_2.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:10am MDT

John interviews Ben Robertson, owner of Menadena and a member of the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network. They discuss the importance of installing a marketing system to measure ROI and generate greater results.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Ben_Robertson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:37am MDT

John chats with Pamela Wilson, founder of BIG Brand System and author of Master Content Strategy, about how to create content that enhances your bottom line and works effectively over the lifetime of your business.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Pamela_Wilson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:12pm MDT

John Jantsch discusses the three major elements that go into creating an effective total online presence for a modern small business: website, SEO, and content.

Direct download: John_Solo_Podcast_TOP.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:10pm MDT

John talks with Jill Nelson, founder and CEO of Ruby Receptionists, about her entrepreneurial journey and the secrets to creating a successful company with a happy team.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Jill_Nelson.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:39pm MDT

This week, John sits down with Mike Brown, founder of The Brainzooming Group and author of Idea Magnets, to discuss the secrets to finding the next big idea for your business.

Direct download: John_Interviews_Mike_Brown.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:50am MDT