Duct Tape Marketing
Insightful interviews with authors, experts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who share valuable marketing tips, growth strategies, and resources. Hosted by John Jantsch, one of America's top small business marketing experts, this show is dedicated to helping you craft effective marketing strategies that will grow your business. Whether you're a small business owner, marketing professional, or marketing agency owner, you'll gain valuable insights and actionable advice on topics such as marketing strategy, consulting, social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, email marketing, lead generation, business management, entrepreneurship and much more. With over 900 episodes since its inception in 2005, The Duct Tape Marketing podcast is your go-to resource for all things marketing or business growth. Join us each week as we dive into the latest marketing trends and strategies that will help you achieve your business goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best in the business. Tune in to The Duct Tape Marketing podcast and start listening today!
In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Steve Miller. Meetings & Conventions Magazine calls Steve Miller the Idea Man for his unconventional, edgy, no-spin approach to marketing and branding. He is the author of the Amazon #1 bestseller, "UNCOPYABLE: How to Create an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition." Steve’s speaking and consulting clients have ranged from entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 corporations, including Proctor & Gamble, Greystar Real Estate, Caterpillar, Boeing Airplane, Starbucks, Philips Electronics, and the prestigious TED Conference. We're talking about his latest book — Stealing Genuis: The Seven Levels of Adaptive Innovation.

More About Jack McGuinness:

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Direct download: DTM-Steve-Miller.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:10am MDT

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Paul Roetzer. Paul is the founder and CEO of Marketing AI Institute, and the founder of PR 20/20, HubSpot’s first partner agency. He is the author of The Marketing Performance Blueprint (Wiley, 2014) and The Marketing Agency Blueprint (Wiley, 2012); and the creator of the Marketing AI Conference (MAICON). As a speaker, Roetzer is focused on making AI approachable and actionable for marketers and business leaders. He's also the co-author of a new book launching in June 2022 — Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing, and the Future of Business.

More About Paul Roetzer:

Take The Marketing Assessment:

This episode is sponsored by Drip and the Hubspot Podcast Network.

Direct download: DTM-Paul-Roetzer.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:52am MDT

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Jack McGuinness. Jack is a management consultant with over 35 years of experience. After serving with the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division, he helped build a successful boutique management consulting firm where he served as COO for 13 years. In 2009, he co-founded a new firm, Relationship Impact, a consulting firm focused on working with CEOs to unleash the potential of their leadership teams. He has a new book called — Building Great Leadership Teams: A Practical Approach to Unleashing the Full Potential of your Teams.

More About Jack McGuinness:

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This episode is brought to you by BELAY.

Direct download: DTM-Jack-McGuiness.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:18am MDT

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Edward Sullivan. Edward has been coaching and advising start-up founders, Fortune 10 executives, and heads of state for over 15 years. His clients include executives from Google, Salesforce, Slack, and dozens of other fast-growth companies. He holds an MBA from Wharton and an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School. Edward is CEO & President of the renowned executive coaching consultancy Velocity. He also has a new book launching on June 21, 2022, called — Leading With Heart: 5 Conversations That Unlock Creativity, Purpose, and Results.

Links to resources:

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Direct download: DTM-Edward-Sullivan.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:21am MDT

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Brennan Dunn. Brennan is the Co-founder of RightMessage, writes weekly at Create & Sell, and is wrapping up a new book on personalized marketing.

Links to Resources:

Direct download: DTM-Brennan-Dunn.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:02am MDT

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Todd and Laure Fisher. Husband and wife co-founders, Todd and Laure Fisher founded CallTrackingMetrics in 2011 in their basement and together have grown it into an Inc. 500-rated, top-ranked conversation analytics software serving over 30,000 businesses around the world.

Links to Resources:

Direct download: DTM-Todd-Laura-Fisher.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:14am MDT

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Sara Nay. Sara is the COO at Duct Tape Marketing, Co-Founder at Spark Lab Consulting, and host of the Agency Spark Podcast.

Resources Mentioned:

Direct download: DTM-Sara-Nay.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:04am MDT

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Cameron Herold. Cameron is the founder of the COO Alliance, the World's Leading Network for Seconds in Command. He’s the host of the Second in Command: The Chief Behind the Chief podcast, where he interviews COOs and other seconds to share their insights with his listeners. He's also the author of 5 books, a top-rated international speaker, and has spoken on all 7 continents.

More About Cameron Herold:

Take The Marketing Assessment:

Direct download: DTM-Cameron-Harold.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:33am MDT